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Denver, CO
4730 Paris St
Unit 110
Denver, CO 80239
11:00am - 7:00pm
11:00am - 5:00pm
(303) 731-4717
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Spearheading the Transition to a Circular Economy

From wasteful consumerism to sustainable consumerism.

SellBuddy helps you sell your furniture & more.

Our Mission

To ensure every pre-owned belonging finds a new home, not a landfill.

The Fastest Solution

We started at 30 day sales, worked our way down to 14, and now we're at 7. We won't be stopping there.

The Most Cost Effective Solution

Sellers enjoy free removal of belongings from their home. Buyers enjoy the most affordable prices on the market.

The Most Convenient Solution

2 minutes to sign up and quick lead times. Now we're headed for next-day pick up.

Our Vision

A world where resources are used to their full potential.

Reuse Everything As Much As Possible

Virtually everything is thrown out before its usable life is fully distinguished. This is inefficient and unsustainable.

Refurbish to Extend Usability

With a sophisticated refurbishing process, the usable life of anything can be extended significantly. Let's get more for every step.

Recycle & Remanufacture

Once the usable life is distinguished, a product should be recycled into raw materials. These can then be used in manufacturing.

Our Values

The guiding principles and fundamental beliefs that help us function together as a team.

Integrity & Transparency

Trust is instrumental, it allows us to rely on others to do the right thing and fulfill their promises. We're nothing without trust.

Honesty & Accountability

We don't know everything. We aren't perfect. We strive to be honest about our mistakes and hold ourselves accountable.

Continuous Improvement

If we all improved ourselves 1% every week, the world would be twice as great only two years from now.